Vital Aesthetics Beauty Bank

How does membership work?

  • Your card or bank account will be billed $99-$199 monthly.

  • These funds will be added to your your Beauty Bank to use on future services or products—these funds do not expire. You can save as much as you want!

  • Receive exclusive discounts treatment discounts as our way of saying “thank you” for being a member.

  • Minimum 6-month commitment. If you request to cancel your membership before you meet your 6-month commitment, you will be charged a $200 early cancellation fee.

Consider it your dedicated savings account for aesthetic services!

  • Gold Plan | $99/mo

    Filler service $25 off

    Dysport: $4.33/u

    Daxxify $13/u

    Jeuveau $13/u

    Diamond Glow treatment $25 off

  • Platinum Plan | $149/mo

    Filler service $50 off

    Dysport: $4/u

    Daxxify $12/u

    Jeuveau $12/u

    Diamond Glow treatment $25 off

    Single Laser Treatment 5% off (does not apply to packages)

    Products 5% off

    Complimentary Diamond Glow Treatment on birthday (Must be used birthday month)

  • Diamond Plan | $199/mo

    Filler service $75 off

    Dysport: $3.66/u

    Daxxify $11/u

    Jeuveau $11/u

    Diamond Glow treatment $25 off

    Single Laser Treatment 10% off (does not apply to packages)

    Products 10% off

    Complimentary Diamond Glow Treatment with dermaplane and NOON chemical peel on birthday (Must be used birthday month)