Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is an effective technique for minimally invasive and effective management of many cutaneous conditions and lesions. Its main indications include treatment of photoaging, rhytids, wrinkles, and solitary benign cutaneous lesions. It also helps improve under eye wrinkles. Unlike a CO2 laser, an erbium laser is a gentler approach to the skin, hence why it is named the “micro laser peel.” The erbium laser will help treat fine lines, some hyperpigmentation, and mild scarring.

During the procedure, a laser removes damaged or aged skin layer by layer, promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells. It's commonly used to reduce wrinkles, scars, and blemishes, as well as to even out skin tone and texture. The laser energy stimulates collagen production, which helps in tightening the skin and reducing signs of aging. Laser skin resurfacing is a precise and effective way to rejuvenate the skin, with minimal discomfort and downtime for patients.

Resurfacing results on one of our clients

  • Laser Resurfacing for hyperpigmentation: Start on a skin brightening regimen at least 2 weeks before treatment. If you do not have any brightening regimen, stop by Vital Aesthetics and pick up our NOON Brightening Kit.

    Discuss and disclose if there is an active infection or history of herpes simplex of the lips, mouth or face.

    Discuss and disclose allergies to topical anesthetics, antibiotics, or other medications.

    Discuss the history of any hypertrophic scarring or keloid formations or other skin diseases.

    Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning bed 4 weeks before treatment.

    Downtime can range from 3-7 days depending on how aggressive treatment is.

  • Following Treatment :

    Mild erythema (redness) will be present in the treatment area and can last from a few hours up to a few days. Treatment areas almost always become red and inflamed.

    Immediately following the procedure, patients will experience a mild sunburn sensation that may include some mild discomfort.

    Most patients do not feel any significant discomfort; however, an ice pack (not direct ice) may be applied to help soothe areas with discomfort.

    It is important to protect your skin from environmental elements; therefore, a lotion with a SPF protection of at least 30 should be used daily. Mineral base is recommended.

    A few days post procedure, patients will experience mild peeling of the skin. The peeling is like the effects of sunburn. Continue to follow the skin care regimen offered by Vital Aesthetics.

    Do not pick at the peeling skin or rub skin as it may lead to scarring.

    Clean the treated area daily with a mild cleanser after 24 hrs. Do not let skin dry out, use post laser gel or Aquaphor for 72 hours, then your regular daily moisturizer. Refrain from using Retinol for 7 days.

    Shower as usual but be aware that the treated area may be a little temperature sensitive.

    Avoid chlorine, hot tubs, and swimming pools during the treatment program.

    Avoid the use of exfoliants, loofah sponges and aggressive scrubbing to the treated areas.

    Avoid exposure to the direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 30 days before and after

    An antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin may be applied. Neosporin and Polysporin are not recommended.

    Makeup may be applied over the treated area 48 hours after the treatment.

    Avoid shaving the treated area for 72-hours after the procedure.

    Please follow-up with your provider two weeks after your procedure. If you need multiple procedures, they can be performed one month apart. Please keep all follow up appointments.

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