Laser Vascular/Vein Removal

Laser Vascular/Vein Removal

The laser gives energy to the skin, which is absorbed by blood vessels, scars, port wine stains, hemangiomas, and other vascular lesions. This relatively quick, comfortable procedure can eliminate blood vessels by precise tissue heating, i.e. energy is directed against the vessels alone and does not alter the surrounding skin. Usually, the vessels collapse during the treatment session, but there can be some post-treatment redness and swelling.

Following treatment sessions with aggressive sun protection practices can produce longer-lasting results and prevent formation of similar lesions.

  • Contraindicated if:

    active skin condition such as: rash, psoriasis, pre-malignant

    pregnant/breast feeding

    moles, history of cancer in the area, eczema superficial metal or implants in the treatment area

    If you have a condition that is stimulated by light or heat such as Lupus, Epilepsy, Porphyria.

    Excessive tanning cream in the last 2 weeks.

    If over tattoos or permanent makeup.

    Discontinue medications or supplements that may thin your blood one week prior to vein treatments to minimize bruising and improve the success of your treatment. This includes fish oil, flax seed oil, Vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve), and red wine.

    If you are taking aspirin electively and not upon the advice of your physician, then you may stop it for 48 hours prior to your treatment.

    Do not stop aspirin if prescribed or recommended by your physician.

    Sun Avoidance: For at least two weeks prior to the treatment, use of self-tanners and sun exposure are not recommended as tanned skin can affect cosmetic outcome.

    Gentle Products: For 1-2 weeks prior to the procedure discontinue harsh products such as retinols and glycolic acid products to avoid skin irritation.

    Cleanse: On the day of treatment patients should wash the area to be treated so it is free of makeup or any skincare products. No moisturizer or sunscreen should be applied. It is recommended that patients do not apply any products to their skin, including make-up.

    Leg Treatment:

    If leg veins are being treated, there may be minor bruising, discoloration, and welting over treatment sites. You may wish to bring a pair of shorts to wear during your treatment if you are having your legs treated.

    Larger leg veins may appear bruised for a period after treatment. Full results can take weeks or months to be realized.

    Plan and schedule treatments, accordingly, allowing for healing time and time for your treatment results to evolve to completion. The best time to treat leg veins are in fall, winter, and spring when you are less inclined to wear shorts or be exposed to sun.

    Plan treatments allowing for a period of no sun exposure, vigorous activity or use of hot tubs, saunas or spas for 48 hours after treatment

  • Face Post Treatment Instructions

    If facial veins are being treated, there may be minor bruising and/or swelling following treatment. This can typically be covered using make-up.

    To minimize any possible swelling, sleep with the treated areas elevated above your heart to reduce and apply cold compresses or ice packs to treated areas for 15 minutes every hour for the first two days.

    Please call us at the first sign of persistent pain or blistering.

    Apply plenty of sunscreen with SPF 50+ several times a day and avoid large amounts of sun exposure, if possible, to prevent discoloration of treated areas.If sun exposure is necessary, wear clothing that covers the treated area.

    Use of a gentle moisturizer at least twice a day is recommended to promote healing of the treated areas.

    Medicated skincare products, harsh cleansers, exfoliants, and toners should be avoided until the treated areas heal. Makeup can be used after the procedure without any restrictions. Should treated areas become crusted or flaky, it is extremely important that these areas are not picked to prevent scarring.

    Leg Post Treatment Instructions

    • Avoid sun exposure and wear SPF 30 sunblock for one month after treatment on all treated areas that may be exposed to the sun.

    • Cold compresses may be applied to reduce redness and swelling.

    • Please call us at the first sign of persistent pain or blistering.

    • Use support hose 20-30 psi worn continuously for three to five days. (You may purchase these at a medical supply store or pharmacy.)

    • Treatment area should be gently washed twice per day with tepid water and mild soap.

    Do Not:

    • Exercise for three days after treatment.

    • Use alcohol, aspirin, Advil, or any blood thinners for five days.

    • Take hot showers, baths, use hot tubs or saunas for five days.

    Post Treatment Expectations:

    Expect some redness and swelling, which may convert to “cat scratch” scab. Leg vein resolution usually takes about 8-12 weeks. At the end of this process, some vessels may be gone while others may be lighter or not affected.

    Please follow-up with your provider two weeks after your procedure. If you need multiple procedures, they can be performed one month apart. Please keep all follow up appointments

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